Juniors Clinics

Structured junior golf programs for all ages right through to 17 years

Junior Golf at Waratah

Junior Clinics

Join our exciting School Holiday Golf Clinic for kids aged 10-17! This program offers a fun and engaging introduction to golf, focusing on skill development and enjoyment of the game.

Program Details:

  • Age Group: 10-17 years
  • Date: 6th January 2025
  • Duration: 9am-2pm
  • Location: Waratah Golf Club
  • Instructor: Daniel Buyers (PGA Professional)
  • Cost: $100


Join our 8-session Junior Golf Program for children aged 6-12! These fun, skill-oriented sessions focus on fundamental movement skills and are designed to engage young golfers.

When: 9am Sundays

Cost: $150

Duration: School term


These clinics are designed for juniors new to golf, aged 13-17, or those who have completed our Learn to Golf program (ages 5-12). Each session is a 45-minute clinic with our PGA professional, Daniel, focusing on maintaining fundamental skills and preventing bad habits from forming.

Program Details:

Duration: 8 sessions across 11 weekends

Schedule: Weeks 1-5: 10-10.45am at the driving range or chipping green

Weeks 6-8: 12-1pm on-course practice

Duration: School Term

Cost: $150 



Cadet playing program is a 9 hole competition that runs every Sunday during the school term.  Suitable for kids that have completed our Learn to Golf and/or Junior Clinics.

Contact 0409931866 to register. 

Tee times: From 11.30am-12pm Sundays

Duration: School Term

Cost: $150 

Junior Members

Juniors who have an official handicap are eligible to play in the members 18 holes competitions. 

When: From 9am-11.30am Sundays

Information for Parents

  • We supply equipment for all "Learn to Golf" clinics. We supply some sets for kids to assist them commence in the "Let's Play Golf" program. Cadets and Junior members will need their own equipment. Our pro's can guide you with this and ensure you get suitable equipment for your child at the best value for money.
  • Praise achievement but do not be critical or instructive. Make sure your child knows you are proud of their great shot, round and attitude.
    Let the coaches coach. Coaching and instruction from parents as well as coaches can confuse the child and has little positive impact.
  • Make car rides positive. Let your child know that you are their biggest supporter and that you will be there for them whether they win, lose, play well, or make mistakes.
  • Improvement is not linear. Expect your child to take two steps forwards and one step back as they progress. Golf can already be a difficult game, now imagine you are constantly physically growing and the ball is now further away.
  • Focus on process and effort, not results. Your priority should be that your child feels good about themselves and are happy so they are motivated to play again tomorrow